
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday, August 3

It’s good to be back! My mom and I went on an extended vacation to visit family in Texas. We got to meet our new cousin and hold him when he got back from the hospital.

I recently found out that the cats were peeing in their basket in my study and on the bath rug in my bathroom while we were out. I think it has something to do with the twins who were staying in our house while we were gone. They aren’t used to having them around for long periods of time. This means that I have to clean up all of that weeks after they did it. And stains are hard to get out, no matter what you use.

Anjila, my mom, and I found this beautiful bookshelf at AFW for 100 bucks. I managed to put it together in under and hour and put all my books away shortly after. Kevin helped me organize and catalog them.

Earlier this morning, I recorded my video for The Black Cauldron book review and the editing should be done soon. I’m tempted to add a little blurb about the movie, but it was hard enough to get a setup for the video the first time. I had to stack 21 books on top of each other on my desk just to get the camera at eye-level. My cat plays a little role in it, playing with the curtain behind me. She’s so loud!

The plan is to finish writing the reviews (both written and video) for the books I hurriedly read on vacation and at home so I can make my goal of 50 books this year. After I finish with them, I should be able to read about a book every two weeks or so and make a video on Fridays. I think that's the only day I don't have a class. The video for my June/July book haul will come out in the next few days, hopefully. There's not a lot of books to go through, thankfully.

My mom and I are hosting a garage/yard sale next weekend that proves to be overflowing. In addition to all the stuff we're selling (which includes seven large trash bags full of clothes, desks, and old shelves), we've got our neighbor's furniture, Caitlyn and Kim's stuff, and maybe some things Kristin wants to get rid of. Hopefully, we'll be able to get rid of most of it and donate the rest to Goodwill. We might be able to make enough money to buy a new washer and dryer.

I'm currently trying to finish reading The Great Train Mystery by Michael Crighton. I can't get through very much of it every night because I'm too tired to stay awake for it, but it should be done in a few days. The weekends are always easier for me to get through books like this.

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