
Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday, August 26

Happy National Cherry Popsicle Day!

My new laptop finally arrived today!! I still have to move all my files over from both my old laptops and that might take forever. Depends when Kevin can get the cord for my poor dead-won't-charge-anymore-and-the-batteries-ruined laptop. So, all tonight, I'm going to be playing with it and probably ignoring my homework. But I don't care because I love my new computer that I have yet to name.

I was really hoping that I could have a salad for dinner tonight, but I still haven't gone to the store yet and salad greens don't exist in my fridge right now. So, I'm left with fries and maybe some frozen blueberries. I really need to go to the store. Maybe Kevin will agree to go to Costco with me tomorrow night after work.

Netflix rocks. It's official as of today. All I've done all day was watch New Girl and Law and Order. Minus the two hours of class time. Kristin and I literally just sat on our asses all day long and stared at a flat screen that shows pictures.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get through all the stuff I'm supposed to do this week, but I don't have that much confidence in myself. So, it's shower time for me and more messing around with new laptop of awesome. I really want a name for it so please please help me come up with something!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday, August 24

Happy National Peach Pie Day!

I just realized that my regular intro of national whatever day could be offensive to people in other countries...but it's too fun to stop.

I just finished taping my newest video which had no content whatsoever. I didn't have time to prepare something like a review or anything beforehand and I felt like I needed to stay to my little schedule. And I haven't gotten any books this month so there wasn't a book haul that I could have done. I am currently in the process of uploading it to youtube, which can take forever. I'll add the link when I've finished with it.

In regards to me not being very productive this week, I got kicked in the face with school. And somehow it surprises me every time. Every year, I don't plan on having to do a crap ton of work and then it happens and I get sucked under by a nasty creature that slowly tears my brain to bits. It sucks. However, I think I have found a way to combat it by scheduling my homework a little better. I should be able to do small little bits of homework every day instead of doing it all at once.

Next week should be different and I should have an actual video with words and information not just me cuddling with my cat.

Link to the video:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday, August 17

Happy National Vanilla Custard Day!

I finally finished the written version of my June/July Book Haul and published it a few days ago. I'm glad I was able to get it out of the way and get it done before the weekend. The only thing left is the video version which I'm in the middle of finishing right now. I recorded it, but I've just gotten around to editing it today. That's another thing I hope to finish before school starts. It would be nice to start a schedule for my videos.

I'm not sure how long it's going to take me to get done with everything before Monday. I got in a car accident yesterday and I'll be a little sore for a day or two. Plus, I have to get a car in order to drive to and from school after the rental car my insurance is providing runs out. I'm hoping that the costs to fix my car costs less than the worth of my car so the insurance will pay for it and I can have my baby back.

The Reading Challenge on GoodReads is going pretty well for me. I'm only 5 books behind schedule, which is much better that it's been for the whole year. I was hoping that I could get ahead a little in case I got caught up once school started, but I won't be able to read that many books this weekend. Plus, I'm behind on my reviews as it is. I think I've got to finish five or six.

Thankfully, I'll be able to work on everything I need this weekend without having to worry about getting anything else done except laundry and other household stuff.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday, August 12

Happy National Julienne Fries Day!

After having to look up today's date, I realize that I've been behind a day and need to go change the sign-in sheet at the library.

It's been a long week for my house. We had our carpets cleaned and then a yard sale right after. Thankfully, all of that is over with and I can go back to living my regular life of solitude and not doing anything very interesting.

Because we were able to sell almost all of the heavy and big furniture we dragged up from the basement, my mom and I now have way too much space floating around down there. The workout area in our house has tripled in size and that means we can finally bring the treadmill down from the family room and get an actual couch. Which means she'll want to get a matching loveseat for the basement. And a tv. And I'm okay with that.

Hopefully, I'll be able to finish my hub for my June/July Book Haul tomorrow and maybe even get to the video. Then I'll be all caught up and can continue with the book reviews once a week like before. Right now, I'm trying to catch up to my goal of reading 50 books this year and I'm still six books behind schedule. That means comic books, books with 100 pages, and manga for a month.

School shouldn't get in the way of my progress, but I'll keep posting updates about my plans on book related links.

And to my friend Caitlyn who discovered today that I'm attempting to keep up a blog, hello! And please don't hate me because you're finding out just how boring I am.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Saturday, August 3

It’s good to be back! My mom and I went on an extended vacation to visit family in Texas. We got to meet our new cousin and hold him when he got back from the hospital.

I recently found out that the cats were peeing in their basket in my study and on the bath rug in my bathroom while we were out. I think it has something to do with the twins who were staying in our house while we were gone. They aren’t used to having them around for long periods of time. This means that I have to clean up all of that weeks after they did it. And stains are hard to get out, no matter what you use.

Anjila, my mom, and I found this beautiful bookshelf at AFW for 100 bucks. I managed to put it together in under and hour and put all my books away shortly after. Kevin helped me organize and catalog them.

Earlier this morning, I recorded my video for The Black Cauldron book review and the editing should be done soon. I’m tempted to add a little blurb about the movie, but it was hard enough to get a setup for the video the first time. I had to stack 21 books on top of each other on my desk just to get the camera at eye-level. My cat plays a little role in it, playing with the curtain behind me. She’s so loud!

The plan is to finish writing the reviews (both written and video) for the books I hurriedly read on vacation and at home so I can make my goal of 50 books this year. After I finish with them, I should be able to read about a book every two weeks or so and make a video on Fridays. I think that's the only day I don't have a class. The video for my June/July book haul will come out in the next few days, hopefully. There's not a lot of books to go through, thankfully.

My mom and I are hosting a garage/yard sale next weekend that proves to be overflowing. In addition to all the stuff we're selling (which includes seven large trash bags full of clothes, desks, and old shelves), we've got our neighbor's furniture, Caitlyn and Kim's stuff, and maybe some things Kristin wants to get rid of. Hopefully, we'll be able to get rid of most of it and donate the rest to Goodwill. We might be able to make enough money to buy a new washer and dryer.

I'm currently trying to finish reading The Great Train Mystery by Michael Crighton. I can't get through very much of it every night because I'm too tired to stay awake for it, but it should be done in a few days. The weekends are always easier for me to get through books like this.

Wednesday, May 22

Happy National Vanilla Pudding Day!

Today is a particularly interesting day. It's one of the days that I actually have off, which means that I get to catch up on all the stuff I've been neglecting. Mainly writing and reading. Sadly, books can't write themselves. Or read themselves. And my book is due back at the library this week. I really don't like renewing the books, but I might have no choice on this one.

In addition, I've also got stuck on this never-ending Harry Potter marathon. I'm trying to finish this chapter and watch it at the same time. It's so difficult to pay attention to both at the same time. And the movies are winning out.

My reading/reviewing has been at a standstill for a while and I hope that in the next few days it'll pick up quickly. A new video review should be up sometime between Friday afternoon and Sunday and the written one should be done before then.