
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29

Thankfully, I've been able to catch up on enough of my stuff to record a video for this week and I just need to edit it. I apologize for the huge gaps in video and blog making. I know I say this a lot, but hopefully after next week, I'll be back up to snuff.

Tomorrow, my new dishwasher will arrive and it should be installed just in time for the Halloween dishes rush, provided it's not damaged. The trash compactor I ordered arrived damaged and that's why I have to wait another week for that one. I'm very excited to not have to wash dishes by hand anymore. I admit that I'm a faily lazy person, but I barely found time to do the dishes before and now it takes me three times longer. 

I had planned on being finished with the two books I've been reading by now and started on Dracula, but I'm too far behind schedule for that. I don't think I'm going to get to Dracula until November, which kind of ruins the whole point of Dracula. I might keep that one until next year and keep in on my list of Halloween books.

There's only nine more weeks left until the end of the year and it's starting to creep up on me a little. I pledged fifty books this year on goodreads and I've only managed to get to thirty. When I chose fifty at the beginning of the year, I thought that I wasn't oiling to come even close and I was going to have to lower the bar by twenty or thirty so I'm pretty proud of where I've gotten, but I'm still a little hopeful that I can get there. If I focus more on reading, I think I might be able to read two books a week, especially during school breaks and Christmas. But I'll still only do one video review a week.

Check in with goodreads and hubpages to keep track of my progress if I don't post anything in a timely manner. Thanks for keeping up with me!

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