
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday, November 24

Happy Teacher's Day (in Turkey)!

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything on here, but I've been productive, I promise. Apart from a crazy amount of tests, watching every episode of Mythbusters, and trying to finish the video games I'm halfway through, I've finished reading, writing, and taping book reviews.

I've been worrying about being able to complete the 2013 reading challenge of 50 books because I've been hovering around 30 books for a month or so. As I was cleaning up my Goodreads shelves, adding ratings and so, I noticed that I hadn't added the Dengeki Daisy mangas I've been reading all year. When I added those in, I found myself only a few books away! Now, I only have to read two more books before New Years and I'm all done! Hopefully, I can make more than just 50 this year.

There is a wonderfully growing pile of books on my headboard that I need to write the written reviews for. Thanksgiving on Thursday needs to be returned to the library as soon as possible, so that one is on the top of the list. I've got Zenn Scarlett mostly done. It only needs a little bit of revision and it'll be ready for publication. After that, Steve Jobs is up, followed by any library books I finish in the next few days.

Keeping with the Thanksgiving theme for this month, I have another festive book that I would like to have completed by Wednesday morning so I can make a Thanksgiving day video this week instead of Friday. But that means that I have to get through it and take notes in the next three days. I'm sure I can do it, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time.

Thankfully, my mom has finally agreed to change the look of our house. Yesterday, we went couch shopping and it was more difficult than we thought it would be. It turns out that we have different tastes entirely. I think we'll be lucky to find something that we both agree on. As exciting as it is, it means that I might be spending this week painting, reupholstering, and building new furniture. This means I'm going to have to plan reading time, which is not something I'm used to.

But I have to finish The Catered Thanksgiving by Isis Crawford by Wednesday. Keep track of my progress on Goodreads!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday, November 15

Happy National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day! (I have no idea what that is, but it kinda sounds gross...)

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. It was hard to find time to post the last two weeks. I had three different tests at school, plus helping Kevin move into a new house, and the strange problems with my appliances. Hopefully, most of that will be over and done with now.

Today, I finally finished The Vampire Stalker review at I know that I was supposed to do a review of Zenn Scarlett or Steve Jobs, but I've had reader's block for some reason. I just haven't had the motivation. Strangely, once I actually force myself to read, I get drawn in very quickly and it's hard to stop. I just have to make myself sit down and do it.

Appliance problems: The trash compactor was successfully installed, however, it's the wrong color. So we had to order it again and it should arrive later this month. The dishwasher should be here by the beginning of December and all the appliances should match the black oven we have. I'm hoping that all of this can be done by Christmas. That'll be my present to myself :)

My reader's block has become a real problem. I got two books from the library that I was supposed to finish by Thanksgiving or thereabouts. But they're second to Zenn Scarlett and Steve Jobs. So I have to buckle down and spend maybe the whole day just reading those two books. I'm halfway done with both of them and that gives me hope.

The long list of books I'm "currently-reading" on Goodreads is way too long. Most of those books I haven't touched in months, if not years. I'd really like to get most of those off the list so other people don't get confused about it when I don't update those books for a while. Wish me luck on finishing everything!

Please follow me on Goodreads and Youtube for further updates!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Friday/Saturday, November 1 & 2

I hope you all enjoyed your Halloweens. We just finished up an awesome, if somewhat uneventful party of four.

I edited and uploaded my videos for Hair Raising and The Great Little Madison, which makes two videos in three days. Not something I'll ever have to do again hopefully. The links are down below. But now I only have to finish the written reviews of those books and I'm done with them. To be honest, I'm toying with the idea of not doing the written reviews until after New Years. It can be very time consuming and I'm trying desperately hard to finish reading fifty books before December 31st. On top of this, I have school work and class four days a week, plus another day every month for labs outside of class.

The dishwasher that was supposed to be installed on Wednesday arrived damaged and the man wasn't enterely comfortable saying it would work properly. It was very hard trying to prepare for Halloween without a dishwasher. We had to clean everything by hand. I did dishes three separate times today before the party even started. So we have to wait another couple of weeks to get that installed, too. Plus, we're still waiting on our trash compactor. Hopefully the second one doesn't have any problems and we can instal it and get it working ASAP.

I have yet to crack open Zenn Scarlet, but I'm hoping I can have it read by the 8th. I'm not sure how much longer Steve Jobs will take, but I'm hoping not long after that. If I can get through at least one or two books a week, when the holidays come and I have nothing to do but sit at home and read and watch Charlie Brown everything, I'm hoping I can get through enough to pull out that total of fifty by the end of the year. Maybe I should just start reading children's books or books I can read in less than half an hour...

Please keep track of me on goodreads and my videos. Now my cat is whining for attention and she won't let me be until she crawls her way under the sheets and falls asleep with me.

The Great Little Madison Book Review:

Hair Raising Book Review: